Traditionally, C++ functions that take parameters by reference have been able to rely on the objects bound to such references outliving the execution of the function. However, things are not so simple when your function is a coroutine; such functions can be suspended and resumed, returning to their caller before they have finished executing. In this article I show how this violation of long-standing expectations can lead to subtle bugs in coroutine code and describe some approaches for avoiding them.



C++ Extensions for Coroutines is a Proposed Draft Technical Specification (TS) that describes changes to the C++ language to allow functions to be suspended and resumed. The TS provides a very low-level interface to the coroutine machinery; it is intended to be used by higher-level abstractions.

The implementation of coroutines described in the current draft of the TS is “stackless”, which means that the entire stack is not saved when the coroutine is suspended; instead, only local variables are saved. This is different to “stackful” coroutines in which the entire call stack is saved and restored. The advantage of the “stackless” approach in the TS is that coroutines can be very light-weight, only needing storage for any local variables.

If you like watching videos, a really great introduction to coroutines was given by James McNellis at CppCon 2016: Introduction to C++ Coroutines.

Forwarding references

In order to understand the solutions presented later in this article, it will be helpful to understand how forwarding references work. When writing a function template, if we write what looks like an rvalue reference for a parameter then we end up with a forwarding reference, which means that it will be the same kind of reference as the caller provided. Let’s take a very simple example.

template <typename T>
void f(T&& x);

f(3); // T is int; x is int&&
int i = 3;
f(i); // T is int&; x is int&
const int j = 3;
f(j); // T is int const&; x is int const&

This falls out from the rules of template argument deduction and reference collapsing. The important thing to remember is when an int&& is passed, the template parameter is just int, but when an int& is passed, the template parameter is int&.

The problem

So, let’s imagine we’re writing a really simple coroutine that just yields values from a vector (or any other Range). This will use a result type called generator, which is an example used in the Coroutines TS and is also available in Visual Studio (in <experimental/generator>).

template<typename T>
using range_value_t = decltype(*std::declval<T>().begin());

template<typename T, typename F>
map(const T& v, F f) {
  for (auto&& element : v) {
    co_yield f(element);

This takes a reference to a range and a callable object and returns a generator that yields the results of calling the callable with the elements of the range. The generator type provides begin() and end() members that return iterators. To use it, you’d write something like this:

std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4};
auto f = [](int i) { return i * 2; };
for (auto&& element : map(v, f)) {

Then you notice that you don’t need that v variable lying around:

auto f = [](int i) { return i * 2; };
for (auto&& element : map(std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4}, f)) {

This compiles but exhibits Undefined Behaviour (UB) when run. Probably the program will crash, but technically anything could happen. The vector that we pass into the map function is a temporary, a prvalue. This binds to the const reference parameter no problem, but the object only lives until the end of the containing full-expression. If we de-sugar the range-based for loop, we get this:

  auto&& __range = map(std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4}, f);
  for (auto __begin = __range.begin(), __end = __range.end();
      __begin != __end;
      ++__begin) {
    auto&& element = *__begin;

We can now see that the full-expression containing the construction of the temporary vector ends before the loop even starts. This leaves the coroutine with a reference to an object whose lifetime has ended, leading to UB when it is accessed.

In a coroutine, you can’t rely on references passed as arguments remaining valid for the life of the coroutine. You need to think of them like captures in a lambda.

As an aside, it’s interesting to consider that this problem doesn’t arise if we use a for_each function that accepts a range instead of the for loop.

template<typename R, typename F>
auto for_each(R&& r, F f) {
  return std::for_each(r.begin(), r.end(), f);

  map(std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4}, f),
  [&](auto&& element) {

However, we want to make our map function useable in any way that would seem reasonable, not only within one full-expression.

So, what we really want is to take a copy of the range if it’s a temporary. In fact, because it’s an rvalue, we will actually move it rather than copying it.

Solution Zero: Just Copy Already

It’s easy enough to make map always copy/move its argument—simply take it by value instead of by reference. However, if we wish to use a non-temporary range, it would be nice to not have to make a copy of it. After all, one of the reasons to use a coroutine is so that we can lazily perform the transformation only on those elements that we access.

If the things that you’re iterating over are cheaply copied, however, this is by far the easiest option to understand and should really be your first choice.

Passing and returning objects by value makes your code much easier to reason about; do it whenever you can.

Solution One: Clever Forwarding

With thanks to Vaughn Cato on the cpplang slack, I now present a neat technique that causes the argument to be passed by reference for lvalues and by value for rvalues.

First, we take our existing map function and rename it to map_impl (or detail::map or whatever), changing the parameter to be by-value.

template<typename T, typename F>
map_impl(T v, F f) {
  for (auto&& element : v) {
    co_yield f(element);

Then we define a wrapper around this, called map that forwards the parameter on.

template<typename T, typename F>
auto map(T&& v, F f) {
  return map_impl<T>(std::forward<T>(v), std::forward<F>(f));

This is slightly different to the usual forward idiom in that we are explicitly passing T as the template argument for map_impl rather than letting it be deduced. The result is that when map is passed an int&& it calls map_impl<int> and when it is passed an lvalue it calls map_impl<int&>.

We can still get into trouble with the new definition, because it’s pretty easy to create a coroutine that outlives the object it refers to. The following function will return a generator that has a reference to a local variable of the function and any caller that uses the generator will invoke UB.

auto mapped_vector() {
  auto f = [](int i) { return i * 2; };
  vector v{1, 2, 3, 4};
  return map(v, f);

However, this is no different to code that returns an iterator or a reference to an element of a vector, so you may be OK with that.

Solution Two: Reference Wrapper

If we decide that we don’t like that the previous solution quietly stores a reference to what we pass to it in some cases but not others, there are a couple of alternatives to consider.

What we want is for the caller to be explicit about whether we should copy the argument or whether we can store a reference. One way to be explicit about this is for the caller to create a reference_wrapper using std::ref.

vector v{1, 2, 3, 4};
return map(v, f); // copies v
return map(std::ref(v), f); // stores a reference to v

For this to work, we need map to know about reference_wrapper:

template<typename T>
using unwrap_reference_t = decltype(std::ref(std::declval<T>()).get());

template<typename T, typename F>
map(T v, F f) {
  for (auto&& element : std::ref(v).get()) {
    co_yield f(element);

This exploits the fact that std::ref when called with a reference_wrapper just returns that wrapper without wrapping it again.

Solution Three: Different Functions

Another way of making it explicit whether we’re storing a copy or a reference is to just have two different functions with different names. I know that’s a weird concept but bear with me.

We will reuse map_impl from Solution One and create two wrappers that forward to it in subtly different ways.

template<typename T, typename F>
auto map_ref(T&& v, F f) {
  return map_impl<T&&>(std::forward<T>(v), std::forward<F>(f));

template<typename T, typename F>
auto map_val(T&& v, F f) {
  return map_impl(std::forward<T>(v), std::forward<F>(f));

Here, map_ref exploits the same reference collapsing rules that allow forwarding references to work in order to make the T template argument the same kind of reference as was passed to map_ref. In contrast, map_val uses the usual forwarding idiom to cause a copy or move, as appropriate, to be done into map_impl’s argument.


  1. Be very careful accepting references as parameters to a coroutine.
  2. Reference collapsing is weird but pretty useful to understand.
  3. Don’t forget that the range-expression in a range-based for loop is evaluated as part of a full-expression that finishes before the loop starts.