I present a way to use modern C++ metaprogramming techniques to represent Functors and Monads in a way that is analogous to the way it is done in Haskell. I show how a generic free monad can be written such that any Functor has a corresponding free monad.

Practical applications of this technique are left as an exercise for the reader.


Haskell’s powerful type system and syntactic sugar for composing monadic values allow for some impressive abstraction. Inspired by a talk given by Chris Barrett at the Functional Programming Auckland meetup on 2016-09-13, in which he presented the use of a Free Monad in the construction of a domain-specific language embedded in Haskell, I decided to see if the type system of C++ could be used to allow a similar abstraction to be built.

The bulk of this article is taken directly from the source files in the accompanying library.



#pragma once

#include <utility>


A “Functor” is something very precise in category theory, but you can think of it as something that somehow contains values with some structure and allows you to transform the contained values in a way that preserves the structure.

In Haskell, it is defined like so:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

This just says that a type f is a Functor if it supports the fmap function, which takes:

  • a function that operates on each value of type a contained in the Functor, returning a value of type b and
  • a value of type f a, being a particular value of our Functor containing values of type a

and produces a value of type f b, being a particular value o four Functor containing values of type b.

In C++, we will define a Functor as any class template with a single type parameter for which a valid specialization of the Functor class template exists.

namespace Functor {

The default specialization of Functor is undefined; this will cause a compile-time error (or substitution failure when used in certain template contexts) if it is used.

The first template parameter is the class template to be considered a Functor. The second template parameter is there to enable partial specializations to use SFINAE-based techniques.

  template <template <typename> class T, typename = void>
  struct Functor;

It is very useful to have a concise way to query, at compile-time, whether a given class template has a valid Functor specialization. This is a perfect application of “Concepts” but as we wish to remain compatible with C++14 compilers we have to do it the old-fashioned way, i.e. using partial template specialization and SFINAE.

  namespace detail {

Note that MS Visual C++ doesn’t properly support expression SFINAE as of VS2015 update 3, so we just assume everything is a Functor there.

#ifdef _MSC_VER
    template <template <typename> class>
    using IsFunctorT = std::true_type;

In the usual C++ template metaprogramming fashion, we define a class template with the default case and then use partial specialization to change it for specific cases. Another common idiom is the use of an extra, defaulted template parameter that partial specializations can use to SFINAE themselves away.

The default case is that any given class template is not a Functor.

    template <template <typename> class, typename = void>
    struct IsFunctorT : std::false_type {};

Then we essentially say that any class template T is a Functor if a call to Functor<T>::fmap compiles and has the correct result type.

    struct dummy1 {};
    struct dummy2 {};

    template <template <typename> class T>
    struct IsFunctorT<T,
        : std::true_type {};

Using the IsFunctorT class template is little bit inconvenient, so we hide it away in the detail namespace and instead expose a constexpr variable template. An example of the use of this is coming up in the definition of fmap, below.

  template <template <typename> class T>
  constexpr bool IsFunctor = detail::IsFunctorT<T>::value;

To make using the fmap function on a Functor value more convenient, we define a free function that wraps it. Using this allows the Functor template argument to be deduced.

  template <template <typename> class F,
            typename A,
            typename Fun,
            typename = std::enable_if_t<IsFunctor<F>>>
  F<std::result_of_t<Fun(A)>> fmap(Fun&& fun, const F<A>& f) {
    return Functor<F>::fmap(std::forward<Fun>(fun), f);

It is useful for testing purposes to have a very basic Functor—we call this NullFunctor. It contains exactly zero values, each of the requisite type.

  namespace Test {
    template <typename A>
    struct NullFunctor {};
  template <>
  struct Functor<Test::NullFunctor> {
    template <typename F, typename A>
    static Test::NullFunctor<std::result_of_t<F(A)>> fmap(F, Test::NullFunctor<A>) {
      return {};
  static_assert(IsFunctor<Test::NullFunctor>, "NullFunctor must be a Functor");


#pragma once

#include "Functor.h"
#include "void_t.h"


The concept of a Monad comes from category theory, but the defintion I’m using is that of its practical application in Haskell.

In Haskell, Monad is a typeclass, defined something like so:

class (Functor m) => Monad m where
  pure :: a -> m a
  bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

There are some additional laws that Monads are supposed to obey but for now I’m just going to focus on the type signatures.

In C++, we can treat the type variable m as a class template with a class template template parameter and define a class template Monad that we will specialize for each class template M that we want to treat as a Monad.

namespace Monad {
  template <template <typename> class M, typename Enable = void>
  struct Monad;

C++ doesn’t provide a neat way to define the members that we expect specializations of the Monad template to have, but we can write a type-level predicate that uses SFINAE to check.

  namespace detail {
    template <template <typename> class M, typename Enable = void>
    struct IsMonadT : std::false_type {};

At the moment we just have a very basic check—is there a specialization of Monad for the template and is the template a Functor.

    template <template <typename> class M>
    struct IsMonadT<M, void_t<Monad<M>, std::enable_if_t<Functor::IsFunctor<M>>>>
        : std::true_type {};

  template <template <typename> class M>
  constexpr bool IsMonad = detail::IsMonadT<M>::value;

Now that we can tell (approximately) whether a class template is a Monad, we can define the Monad operations as free functions so that the template arguments can be deduced in at least some cases.

  // pure :: (Monad m) => a -> m a
  template <template <typename> class M,
            typename A,
            typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMonad<M>>>
  M<A> pure(const A& x) {
    return Monad<M>::pure(x);

  // bind :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  template <typename F,
            template <typename> class M,
            typename A,
            typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMonad<M>>>
  std::result_of_t<F(A)> bind(const M<A>& m, F&& f) {
    return Monad<M>::bind(m, std::forward<F>(f));

It is common in Haskell to use the infix (»=) operator as a synonym for bind; this reduces the need for parentheses. We can do the same thing in C++, allowing us to write m >>= [](){} instead of bind(m, [](){}).

template <template <typename> class M,
          typename A,
          typename F,
          typename = std::enable_if_t<Monad::IsMonad<M>>>
auto operator>>=(const M<A>& m, F&& f) {
  return Monad::bind(m, std::forward<F>(f));

The (») operator is also commonly used in Haskell. It just throws away the result of evaluating the first argument and returns the second argument instead.

(>>) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m () -> m ()
x >> y = x >>= \_ -> y
template <template <typename> class M,
          typename A,
          typename B,
          typename = std::enable_if_t<Monad::IsMonad<M>>>
M<B> operator>>(const M<A>& m, const M<B>& v) {
  return Monad::bind(m, [=](auto&&) { return v; });


#pragma once

#include "Functor.h"
#include "Monad.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>

The List Monad

We introduce a special kind of vector that we call List. We could use vector directly but this allows us to avoid making every vector a Monad.

template <typename A>
struct List : std::vector<A> {
  using std::vector<A>::vector;

It is useful to be able to print out Lists for testing and debugging.

template <typename A>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const List<A>& l) {
  os << "[";
  bool first = true;
  for (const auto& x : l) {
    if (!std::exchange(first, false)) os << ", ";
    os << x;
  os << "]";
  return os;

Making List a Functor

First, we need to make List a Functor by partially specializing Functor and defining fmap.

namespace Functor {
  // instance Functor List where
  template <>
  struct Functor<List> {
    // fmap :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
    template <typename Fun, typename A>
    static auto fmap(Fun&& f, const List<A>& l) {
      List<std::result_of_t<Fun(A)>> result;
          l.begin(), l.end(), std::back_inserter(result), std::forward<Fun>(f));
      return result;
  static_assert(IsFunctor<List>, "List should be a Functor");

Making List a Monad

Then we can make List a Monad by partially specializing Monad and defining pure and bind.

namespace Monad {
  // instance Monad List where
  template <>
  struct Monad<List> {
    // pure :: a -> List a
    template <typename A>
    static List<A> pure(const A& x) {
      return List<A>({x});

    // bind :: List a -> (a -> List b) -> List b
    template <typename F, typename A, typename ListB = std::result_of_t<F(A)>>
    static ListB bind(const List<A>& l, F&& f) {
      ListB result;
      for (const A& x : l) {
        auto subresult = std::forward<F>(f)(x);
        std::copy(subresult.begin(), subresult.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
      return result;
  static_assert(IsMonad<List>, "List should be a Monad");


#pragma once

#include "Functor.h"
#include "Monad.h"

Free Monads

Every type f that is a Functor has a “Free” Monad. A Free Monad is some category theory gobbledygook but it’s basically the simplest possible Monad that doesn’t throw any information away.

In Haskell, this is defined quite simply:

data Free f a = Return a | Bind (f (Free f a))

instance (Functor f) => Monad (Free f) where

This is a bit complicated to express in C++ due to the lack of algebraic data types, in particular the lack of a sum type (tuple and struct provide product types). In C++17 we will get variant which plugs the gap acceptably and in the meantime we can use boost::variant.

#include <boost/variant.hpp>

To define something like the Haskell data with two cases, we define a type for each case and then combine them into a variant. Because the Bind case is recursive we need to forward-declare them and use recursive_wrapper to define the variant.

namespace Free {
  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  struct Return;
  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  struct Bind;

We wrap the variant in a struct so we have somewhere to hang a couple of type aliases that we will need later to be able to write down the type signatures for some functions.

  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  struct Free {
    using ContainedType = A;
    using ReturnType    = Return<F, A>;
    boost::variant<boost::recursive_wrapper<Return<F, A>>,
                   boost::recursive_wrapper<Bind<F, A>>>

Now we can define the individual cases, quite analogously to the Haskell definition. The only difference (apart from the syntax) is that we need to name the members something.

  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  struct Return {
    A a;
  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  struct Bind {
    F<Free<F, A>> x;

For our convenience, we define some helper function templates that handle wrapping things up in the Free struct and allow some of the template arguments to be deduced.

  // This one is for when you know the Functor template argument - it can deduce
  // the contained type.
  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  Free<F, A> make_return(const A& x) {
    return {Return<F, A>{x}};

  // This one is for when you know the resulting Free type but not the template
  // arguments.
  template <typename FA>
  FA make_return(const typename FA::ContainedType& x) {
    return {typename FA::ReturnType{x}};

  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  Free<F, A> make_bind(const F<Free<F, A>>& x) {
    return {Bind<F, A>{x}};

It can be helpful while testing to be able to print out a value of Free, so we define an overload of the left shift^W^Wstream out operator. This also demonstrates how to get values out of the variant in a type-safe way—by using a visitor.

  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Free<F, A>& free) {
    struct Visitor {
      std::ostream& os;
      std::ostream& operator()(const Return<F, A>& r) {
        return os << "Return{" << r.a << "}";
      std::ostream& operator()(const Bind<F, A>& b) {
        return os << "Bind{" << b.x << "}";
    Visitor v{os};
    return boost::apply_visitor(v, free.v);

Now we implement the Functor functions. We don’t actually create the specialization of the Functor template here because that has to be done in the Functor namespace but it is more convenient to write the functions in the Free namespace.

The Functor instance for Free is hilariously short and to-the-point in Haskell:

instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
  fmap fun (Return x) = Return (fun x)
  fmap fun (Bind x)   = Bind (fmap (fmap fun) x)

We assume that any user that wants to use the Functor instance of Free for a specific Functor F will create a wrapper type like so:

template<typename A>
struct Wrapper : Free<F, A> {};

This is needed so that the template parameters match up correctly - all the Functor-related functions expect to deal with a template with a single parameter, whereas Free has two.

  template <template <typename> class Wrapper>
  struct FunctorImpl {

    // The visitor struct can't be defined inside the fmap function because it
    // contains member function templates, which we use to get the compiler to
    // tell us what the template F is in the Free<F, A> inside the wrapper.
    template <typename A, typename Fn>
    struct Visitor {
      Fn& fun;
      template <template <typename> class F>
      auto operator()(const Return<F, A>& r) const {
        return make_return<F>(fun(r.a));
      template <template <typename> class F>
      auto operator()(const Bind<F, A>& b) const {
        using Functor::fmap;
        return make_bind(fmap([&](const auto& f) { return fmap(fun, f); }, b.x));

    // fmap :: (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
    template <typename A, typename Fn>
    static Wrapper<std::result_of_t<Fn(A)>> fmap(Fn&& fun, const Wrapper<A>& f) {
      return boost::apply_visitor(Visitor<A, Fn>{fun}, f.v);

Now that we have a way to make Wrapper<A>, aka Free<F, A>, a Functor, we can also make it a Monad. Once again, the instance in Haskell is embarrassingly short:

instance (Functor f) => Monad (Free f) where
  return = Return
  (Bind x)   >>= f = Bind (fmap (>>= f) x)
  (Return r) >>= f = f r

Again, we’re not actually specializing the Monad class template here because that has to be done in the Monad namespace and it’s more convenient to write this stuff in the Free namespace.

Also again, we require the user to wrap their Functor to be Freed into something with a single template parameter, as Free<F, A> doesn’t work directly. We make an additional assumption about the wrapper class template—it must have a type alias member named WrappedFree that is an alias for the Free<F, A> type that is being wrapped, e.g.

template<typename A>
struct Wrapper : Free<F, A> {
  using WrappedType = Free<F, A>;
  template <template <typename> class Wrapper>
  struct MonadImpl {
    template <typename A>
    using M = Wrapper<A>;

    // pure :: a -> m a
    // pure :: a -> Free<F>
    template <typename A>
    static M<A> pure(const A& x) {
      return make_return<typename Wrapper<A>::WrappedFree>(x);

    // bind :: Free f a -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b
    template <typename A, typename Fn>
    struct BindVisitor {
      using result_type = std::result_of_t<Fn(A)>;
      using B           = typename result_type::ContainedType;
      static_assert(std::is_same<result_type, Wrapper<B>>::value, "");
      Fn&& fun;

      // bind (Bind x) f = Bind (fmap (\m -> bind m f) x)
      template <template <typename> class F>
      result_type operator()(const Bind<F, A>& b) {
        auto& f = this->fun;
        return make_bind(Functor::fmap(
            [f](const Free<F, A>& m) {
              return static_cast<Free<F, B>>(Monad::bind(Wrapper<A>(m), f));

      // bind (Return r) f = f r
      template <template <typename> class F>
      result_type operator()(const Return<F, A>& r) {
        return fun(r.a);

    template <typename A, typename Fn>
    static auto bind(const M<A>& x, Fn&& fun) {
      BindVisitor<A, Fn> v{std::forward<Fn>(fun)};
      return boost::apply_visitor(v, x.v);

It is traditional to provide some helpers to make working with free monads more convenient. The first of these is “liftFree”, which is used to “lift” a functor F into a free monad.

The implementation looks like so in Haskell:

liftFree :: (Functor f) => f a -> Free f a
liftFree x = Bind (fmap Return x)

In C++ this looks very similar, yay! A few extra type annotations are required to help the compiler but it’s not too bad.

  template <template <typename> class F, typename A>
  Free<F, A> liftFree(const F<A>& x) {
    return make_bind<F>(Functor::fmap(&make_return<F, A>, x));

The other helper is really the whole point of the exercise; it allows you to take a value of Free<F, A> and “evaluate” it in some way to yield another monadic value.

foldFree :: Monad m => (forall x . f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a
foldFree _ (Return a)  = return a
foldFree f (Bind as)   = f as >>= foldFree f

Because we want to be totally generic with regards to the callable object that is passed in, it’s not possible to deduce the resulting Monad template, so the caller has to specify it. The other template parameters can be deduced, however.

  template <template <typename> class M,
            template <typename> class F,
            typename Fun,
            typename A>
  M<A> foldFree(Fun fun, const Free<F, A>& free) {
    struct Visitor {
      Fun fun;

      auto operator()(const Return<F, A>& r) { return Monad::pure<M>(r.a); }
      auto operator()(const Bind<F, A>& b) {
        return fun(b.x) >>= [&](const auto& x) { return foldFree<M>(fun, x); };
    Visitor v{fun};
    return boost::apply_visitor(v, free.v);

All that remains to be done is to actually make Free<F> a Functor and a Monad. Recall that Free actually has two template parameters but the Functor and Monad class templates expect a template with one parameter as their template argument. So, we require a wrapper class template that has only one template parameter.

Given a class template Wrapper whose instantiations Wrapper<A> have Free<F, A> as a base and a type alias template member WrappedFree equal to Free<F, A>, we can create a partial speciailization of both Functor and Monad.

The below speciailizations are not quite as constrained as I would like because they don’t actually mention Free anywhere, so they apply to any class template that inherits from the class named by its WrappedFree member. The reason for this is that I haven’t been able to figure out how to get the F out in order to write Free<F, void>.

namespace Functor {
  template <template <typename> class Wrapper>
  struct Functor<Wrapper,
                 std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<typename Wrapper<void>::WrappedFree,
      : Free::FunctorImpl<Wrapper> {};

namespace Monad {
  template <template <typename> class Wrapper>
  struct Monad<Wrapper,
               std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<typename Wrapper<void>::WrappedFree,
      : Free::MonadImpl<Wrapper> {};

To finish things off, we do some compile-time verification that these partial specializations work as we expect by wrapping NullFunctor.

namespace Free {
  namespace Test {
    template <typename A>
    struct NullFreeWrapper : Free<Functor::Test::NullFunctor, A> {
      using WrappedFree = Free<Functor::Test::NullFunctor, A>;
                  "Functor speciailization for Free wrappers works");
                  "Monad speciailization for Free wrappers works");



#include "Free.h"
#include "Functor.h"
#include "List.h"
#include "Monad.h"

#include "catch.hpp"

#include <boost/variant.hpp>

#include <functional>
#include <string>

Using Free

We will define a data structure and its corresponding free monad and show how to use the free monad to build and then interpret expressions in a simple domain-specific language.

First, we will need a couple of basic definitions.


One of the basic types in Haskell is (), aka “unit”. It has exactly one value, (). It is an empty product type. In C++ we have two options for product types: structs or tuples. An empty one of either will do the job but std::tuple<> has the advantage of giving us equality and ordering for free.

using unit = std::tuple<>;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, unit) { return os << "unit{}"; }


A very useful generic function is the identity function. In Haskell it is:

id :: a -> a
id x = x

In C++ we can define a function template to do the same thing.

template <typename A>
A id(A a) {
  return a;

Function Composition

Function composition is ubiquitous in Haskell and we will use it below. It doesn’t come predefined in C++ but it’s surprisingly easy these days.

compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
compose f g = \x -> f (g x)
template <typename F, typename G>
auto compose(F&& f, G&& g) {
  return [=](auto&& x) { return f(g(std::forward<decltype(x)>(x))); };

Language Definition

We define a data type to represent the operations in our language. In our example there are only two operations: Read, which takes the value or values so far written and does something, and Write, which “writes” a value and then does something.

This is all very vague because the details are decoupled from this definition and are supplied separately.

In Haskell our data type is just:

data Prog a =
    Read (Int -> a)
  | Write Int (() -> a)

As usual, things get verbose in C++. We define a struct to correspond to each of the cases and wrap them in a variant.

Note that I’ve cheated somewhat by using std::function instead of making the continuation type a template parameter in order to make this code simpler. Doing this probably stops the compiler from optimising this as much as it otherwise could.

template <typename Next>
struct Read {
  std::function<Next(int)> next;
template <typename Next>
struct Write {
  int x;
  std::function<Next(unit)> next;

template <typename Next>
struct Prog {
  boost::variant<Read<Next>, Write<Next>> v;

As is typical when using class templates, we define corresponding “make_” function templates so that the template arguments can be deduced. These function templates have the additional benefit of wrapping the value up in our Prog struct.

template <typename F>
Prog<std::result_of_t<F(int)>> make_read(F next) {
  return {Read<std::result_of_t<F(int)>>};

template <typename F>
Prog<std::result_of_t<F(unit)>> make_write(int x, F next) {
  return {Write<std::result_of_t<F(unit)>>{x, next}};

In order to use Prog’s Free Monad, Prog must be a Functor. In Haskell with the appropriate extension we could just add deriving Functor to the data type definition but we’re stuck down here in C++ so we’ll have to specialize the Functor class template manually.

// instance Functor Prog where
namespace Functor {
  template <>
  struct Functor<Prog> {
    template <typename Fun, typename Next>
    static Prog<std::result_of_t<Fun(Next)>> fmap(Fun&& fun, const Prog<Next>& prog) {
      using Res = std::result_of_t<Fun(Next)>;
      struct Visitor {
        Fun& fun;
        // fmap f (Read n) = Read (f . n)
        Prog<Res> operator()(const Read<Next>& read) const {
          return make_read(compose(fun, read.next));
        // fmap f (Write x n) = Write x (f . n)
        Prog<Res> operator()(const Write<Next>& write) const {
          return make_write(write.x, compose(fun, write.next));
      return boost::apply_visitor(Visitor{fun}, prog.v);

The Free Monad

Now, to use Prog as a Monad, all we need to do is define a wrapper around Free<Prog, A> so that we get a template with a single type parameter. The specialization of Monad defined in Free.h takes care of the rest.

template <typename A>
struct Program : Free::Free<Prog, A> {
  using WrappedFree = Free::Free<Prog, A>;
  Program(const WrappedFree& free) : Free::Free<Prog, A>(free) {}

There is some boilerplate required to lift the constructors of Prog into the Program Monad. This boilerplate is even required in Haskell!

readF :: Free (Prog Int)
readF = liftFree (Read id)
Program<int> readF = Free::liftFree(make_read(id<int>));
writeF :: Int -> Free (Prog ())
writeF x = liftFree (Write x id)
Program<unit> writeF(int x) { return Free::liftFree(make_write(x, id<unit>)); }

An Interpreter

In order to give some meaning to values of Prog<A> we need an interpreter, i.e. a function that takes an action, somehow performs the action associated with it and then invokes its continuation (zero or more times).

For our example we will define an interpreter that keeps track of the values written and invokes Read continuations once for each such value. Because this is C++ and not Haskell, we can keep some mutable state; in Haskell we’d need to be in the State Monad or similar.

// interpret :: Prog a -> List a
// interpret (Read n) = fmap n STATE
// interpret (Write x n) = STATE+=x; n ()
struct Interpreter {
  List<int> l;  // the values written so far
  template <typename A>
  List<A> operator()(Prog<A> prog) {
    struct Visitor {
      List<int>& l;
      List<A> operator()(const Read<A>& r) {
        // invoke the continuation with each of the values that have been written so far
        return Functor::fmap(r.next, l);
      List<A> operator()(const Write<A>& w) {
        // remember the value and invoke the continuation
        return {w.next(unit{})};
    Visitor v{l};
    return boost::apply_visitor(v, prog.v);

Our interpreter works on values of Prog<A>, but when we use the Free Monad we will be constructing values of type Program<A>, aka Free<Prog, A>. So, we define a helper that runs our interpreter on such a value, using the foldFree function we defined in Free.h.

// run :: Program a -> List a
// run p = foldFree interpret p
template <typename A>
List<A> run(Program<A> program) {
  Interpreter i;
  return Free::foldFree<List>(i, program);


OK, that’s the tedious setup out of the way—now we can actually use our Free Monad!

TEST_CASE("Free monad for Prog") {
  using std::string;
  using std::to_string;
  auto pure = [](auto&& x) { return Monad::pure<Program>(x); };
    // clang-format off
    auto free =
    // clang-format on
    CHECK(run(free) == List<int>());
  x <- readF
  pure (show x)
    // clang-format off
    Program<string> free =
      readF >>= [=](int x) { return
    // clang-format on
    CHECK(run(free) == List<string>());
  writeF 10
  x <- readF
  writeF 20
  y <- readF
  pure (x + y)
    // clang-format off
    auto free =
      writeF(10) >>
      readF >>= [=](int x) { return
      writeF(20) >>
      readF >>= [=](int y) { return
      pure(x + y);
    // clang-format on
    CHECK(run(free) == List<int>({20, 30}));


I have shown a method for implementing something analogous to Haskell’s Monad type class in C++ using a class template with a template template parameter. In addition, I have show that a generic Free Monad for any Functor can be defined and used in a similar manner to how it is done in Haskell.

The use of this implementation is not very ergonomic due to the very limited type inference provided by C++ and the lack of any syntactic sugar for composing monadic values.